Awesisak nokotaci (Exotic animals)
Lesson 1
Objectives: -kw, i, a
Lesson 2
Objectives: pronunciation of -tikw and -kw
Lesson 3
Objective: -iw
Pirecicicak (Small birds)
Pirecicak (Birds)
Pisimok / Pisimak (Months)
Markanan (Days of the week)
E asitaiak (Seasons)
Lesson 8
Objective: silent letters (pi, pa)
Lesson 7
Objective: pronunciation of letters -ai (end of word)
Lesson 6
Objective: pronunciation of letters ai- (beginning of word)
Lesson 10
Objective: silent letters (ni-)
Lesson 11
Objective: silent letters (o- before w)
Lesson 5
Objective: h
Lesson 4
Objectives: tci, c, k and the diminutive -cic
Lesson 9
Objective: personal pronouns
See also Pronoms personnels (French only)