Thematic Vocabulary : E iskwak (Length)

Study (and repeat) these words

kinowaw VII

to be long, large (inanimate)

kinosiw VAI

to be long, large (animate)

kinowapekin VII

it's long (string, inanimate)

kinowapekisiw VAI

to be of a certain length (ex: rope, string) (animate)

kinowapiskaw VII

to be long (metal, inanimate)

kinowapiskisiw VAI

to be long (metal, inanimate)

kinowaskon VII

to be long, large (solid, made of wood...) (inanimate)

kinowaskosiw VAI

to be long, large (made of wood, human being, animate)

kinowekin VII

to be long (cloth, inanimate)

kinowekisiw VAI

to be long (cloth, animate)

Activity completed