wepahapew | nakamo | matakaw | nimiw |
nakamo | masinactetcitcikew | kickikwaso | cicopekahikew |
risosokew | kickikwaso | orapokohikew | masinactetcitcikew |
masinatcikew | matakaw | orapokohikew | masinatcikew |
nimiw | cicopekahikew | wepahapew | risosokew |
Choose activity
Repeat the words
Listen, record what you hear, and compare your own pronunciation to the original. *User recordings are temporary and will never be saved on our server
Recognize new words
Recognize new word translations
Listen and click on the right translation
Match words to images
Match written translations
Click the atikamekw word(s) and choose the corresponding translation
Missing letter
Missing letters
Word memory matching
Scrambled words
Many missing letters
All letters missing
Dictation (all words)
Spelling (all words)
Translate the words
Type the atikamekw word
Translate all words
Type the atikamekw word
Word search
Find the words illustrated under the puzzle. Select each word by clicking the first and last letters.
Crossword puzzle
Clicking any square in a word will reveal the corresponding image(s) at the bottom of the page. Click a second time to hear that word. Complete a word by clicking each corresponding letter and square.
Word memory matching
Find pairs of matching words by clicking on the tiles